Welcome to my website whose purpose
is to share my enthusiasm for preservation, restoration and collecting of specialized
timepieces as well as dissemination of information about them.
To use this site just click on the buttons at the top of the page
to get the drop down menus to go to each horological sub-category or
click on the pictures.
I have some items for sale.See them here. Contact: mfrank1@rcn.com
This website is divided into the three areas of horology that interest me. They are tower clocks (also known as
turret clocks in the UK), skeleton
clocks and bank vault time
locks. The common theme is the fact that one can see the mechanism. When
these clocks are running, they become beautiful kinetic pieces of art. This is especially
true at the scale demonstrated by the tower clocks. Also there is a section
antique calculators, these have mechanical complexity
and historic background I find interesting.
Another aspect of the collection is that it encompasses the full range of time movement
sizes that a person might encounter in the world of horology. From a few ounces and a
couple of
inches or so across - the size of a pocket watch, to over a one-half ton, 6 foot wide tower clock.
The oldest clock is from the late 1400's and the newest was completed in
I also enjoy the restoration of time pieces, in particular, tower clocks. There is
something very satisfying in bringing an ugly, rusted piece of machinery back to life as a
beautiful kinetic sculpture. The Restorations
buttongoes through a typical restoration process for tower, skeleton and
time locks. One will get a sense of how labor intensive (labor of love?) this process can
I've written papers on tower clocks, the Westminster clock. A discussion on
remontoire along with visual aids can all be accessed through the Other Items button.
Below is a commission, to my design, to have a large,
complex astronomical clock built over the next several years; it was begun
in January 2006 and can be seen under the Astro skeleton
button, above. Four articles have been published since
its design beginnings in
2006, construction
2007-2010, then
2011-2016 and
2017-2020. Watch the construction
as it progresses. A library of videos in connection with this project can be
viewed on my YouTube channel:
Left, original mockup in wood, July 2006. Next left hand
elevation of clock in October 2021.
Front and rear elevation of the clock complete after final finishing work
as of October 2021.
The site is graphics intensive and is best enjoyed with a
high speed internet connection. Video clips will play automatically as an
extension of films from my YouTube library or on Windows Media Player or RealOne
Player, under Internet Explorer. Any questions, comments, suggestions email me: mfrank1@rcn.com.
Member of: National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors (NAWCC), NAWCC
Chicago Chapter #3, NAWCC Tower Clock Chapter #134, British Horological Institute (BHI),
Antiquarian Horological Society (AHS). For more information about these organizations and
other sites of interest click LINKS page.